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Chiffon MacDougall


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Chiffon MacDougallシフォン・マクドゥーガルO
Birthday19 July
HairCyan, Grey, Hair Loopies, Spiky Bangs, Twin Tails, Waist Length+
BodyPale, Short, Small Breasts, Teen
ClothesBlouse, Short Shorts, Sports Shoes, Thigh-high Stockings
PersonalityBrave, Honorable, Kind, Naive, Stoic, Strange
RoleNeighbor, Non-human, Poor, Superstrength
Engages inFighting, Gardening, Sleepwalking, Swordsmanship
Visual novelsMain character - Ryuusei World Actor
Side character - Ryuusei World Actor: Badge & Dagger
Voiced byKusuhara Yui


A poor segitt swordswoman who leads a simple, rustic lifestyle compelled by her chronic lack of funds, convinced that she needs to redeem herself over a petty crime.

Exceptionally strong even for a segitt, she's capable of facing down a delga one-on-one.

She lives next door to Ruka, and runs a small subsistence farming operation in the hallway. She's also found steady employment with Strichoss's security outfit.

[Edited from Steam]