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Shu Lyn O'Keefe


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Shu Lyn O'KeefeシュウB
MeasurementsHeight: 185cm
Birthday26 June
HairEye Covering, Grey
BodyAdult, Tall
ClothesGloves, Vest
PersonalityAtheist, Cautious, Ore, Pragmatic, Stoic
RoleBounty Hunter
Engages inSmoking
Visual novelsMain character - BUSTAFELLOWS
Main character - BUSTAFELLOWS Season 2
Voiced byHosoya Yoshimasa


At 28 years old, Shu is a heavy smoker who makes a living as a bounty killer by eliminating other hitmen. He is a top-class martial artist and specialised in long-range sniping. The best sniper in town, he has no other goals in life apart from executing those on the list left behind by his foster parents and mentor.

[from Official English website]