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Vanilla H


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Vanilla Hヴァニラ・H
MeasurementsHeight: 132cm
HairGreen, Ponytail, Spiky Bangs, V Bangs, Waist Length+
BodyPale, Short (obsolete), Slim, Small Breast Sizes, Teen
ClothesCrown, Dress, Maid's Dress, Maid's Headdress, Military Uniform, One Piece Swimsuit
PersonalityAltruistic, Hard Worker, Kuudere, Stoic
RoleComrade, Friend, Medical Doctor, Pet Owner, Pilot, Superhuman
Engages inDancing, Fighting, Piloting
Visual novelsMain character - Galaxy Angel
Main character - Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers
Main character - Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers
Main character - Galaxy Angel EX
Voiced byKanai Mika


Vanilla H is the youngest member of the Moon Angel Troupe, and she pilots the Emblem Frame GA-005, also known as Harvester. She has the ability to control nanomachines, which allowes her to treat wounds, and with the assistance of Harvester, repair machinery as well.

A very stoic girl, she hardly ever showed any emotion and spoke in a deadpan voice. She was always seen wearing a headgear featuring a red gem on top, possibly a mark of her family or religion.

Age 13 in GA and 14 in the later games.

[Edited from Galaxy Angel Wiki]