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Mikurigawa Setsuka

御厨川 雪華

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Mikurigawa SetsukaSuggestive / Tame (17)
Mikurigawa Setsuka御厨川 雪華A
MeasurementsHeight: 168cm, Weight: 54kg, Bust-Waist-Hips: 98-61-100cm, H cup
Birthday23 September
HairBrown, Long, Parted to Side, Wavy
BodyMakeup, Pale, Visible Nipples, Young-adult
ClothesDress, Necklace, Pantyhose, Shawl
RoleNot a Virgin, Ojousama, Wife
Engages inInfidelity
Subject ofDebt
Visual novelsMain character - Iinari Tsumairo 2 ~Hitozuma ni Yokorenbo~
Voiced byUmemiya Koko


Likes: Tea times, parties, brand items
Dislikes: Poor people

A super rich wife whose husband who operates a famous real estate chain store, and her father is the CEO of a famous company. However, after her husband's company faced bankruptcy, Setsuka had to ask for her father's help with paying the debts, fell into poverty and started doing something she has never done before - working.