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Futaba Kirameki

双葉 煌

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Futaba KiramekiSafe / Tame (14)
Futaba Kirameki双葉 煌
MeasurementsHeight: 148cm, Bust-Waist-Hips: 92-56-88cm, F cup
HairBlond, Long
BodyBig Breast Sizes, Slim, Tanned
ClothesBracelet, School Uniform
PersonalityPervert, Promiscuous
RoleNot a Virgin, Younger Sister
Visual novelsMain character - Imouto ni Yokujou Nante Hentai Ja Nai? ~Kuro Gyaru Imouto no Onii-chan Ijiri~
Voiced byHazuki Akari


After catching brother trying to molest her she blackmails him into having sex.