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Loretta Schanz


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Loretta Schanzロレッタ・シャンス
HairBlond, Braid, Shoulder-length
BodyYounger Appearance
ClothesBra, Latex Thigh-high Stockings, Panties
PersonalityInsightful, Keigo, Refined, Whimsical
RoleExecutive, Ojousama
Subject ofPossession
Visual novelsMain character - Chaos Dominas
Voiced byMayuri


Witch Assassin

The "Boss" of the Criminal Organization which rules the city of crime Schutral from the shadows and one of the five witches handpicked by the demon Zenohemia over a decade ago.

A stunning high-class lady with blond hair and olive skin. She is somewhat unorthodox compared to the other witches which Zenohemia finds amusing. Zenohemia made her a subordinate on account of her unfathomable spirit which Zenohemia found interesting and rates highly.

She has a classy air stemming from her wealthy upbringing and polite manner of speech. However, her personality is a mixture of innocence and cruelty.

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