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Hiraoka Tamako

平岡 珠子

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Hiraoka TamakoSafe / Tame (15)
Hiraoka Tamako平岡 珠子
MeasurementsHeight: 161cm, Bust-Waist-Hips: 114-57-86cm, P cup
HairPink, Shoulder-length
BodyHuge Breasts, Pale
ClothesFlight Attendant Uniform, Pantyhose, Torn Pantyhose (damaged)
PersonalityCheerful, Clumsy
RoleFlight Attendant, Middle Sister
Visual novelsSide character - Motto! Haramase! Honoo no Oppai Chou Ero ♡ Appli Gakuen!
Voiced byNanase Akari


A new flight attendant who just joined her company. She is serious and bright but also clumsy; creating many mistakes. She has two sisters: an older sister ,Tamayo and a younger sister, Tamami. Her father was a pilot and she became a flight attendant to be in the skies like him.