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Momonouchi Sumomo

桃ノ内 すもも

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Momonouchi Sumomo桃ノ内 すもも
Aliasesピーチ, ピーチ・ザ・ビッチ
HairBlack, Blunt Bangs, Gradient Colored Hair, Long, No Bangs, Pink, Shoulder-length, Side Bun, Wavy, White, Wig
BodyMakeup, Pale, Slim, Young-adult
ClothesDress, Earrings, Glasses, Pendant Earrings, Suit, Unusual Hair Ornaments, Wristband
PersonalityAtashi, Cheerful, Friendly, Promiscuous, Stylish
RoleNot a Virgin, Teaching Assistant, University Student
Engages inDrinking, Teasing
Visual novelsMain character - Hakuchuumu no Aojashin
Voiced byKamishiro Misaki


A hopeful teacher-in-training that landed on Nariyama Sky Academy to perform her teaching practice.

Never one to overthink matters too much, she prefers to enjoy life as it comes and see the bright side of things. She can just barely count her number of past boyfriends with both hands. Not too few or too many by her reckoning.

Her rocky studies to become a teacher are what brought her to Kanna's classroom, as if by the work of providence. The concept of pride doesn't exist for this carefree soul of a woman.

Sumomo vacantly stares at the society of men, where every aspect of life is a rat race where guys compare to each other, pull the rug from under each other, and live and die by the worth of their perceived accomplishments.

She stares on and wonders if living in such a constant state of stress is fun, and why people wouldn't rather just take it easy and try to live out their dreams without looking over their shoulders every step of the way.

Something must be made clear from the outset. Starting a relationship with such a woman could be difficult for virgin boys with low self esteem. The mind of such a person would undoubtedly grow resentful and mad with jealousy.

The heart of such a man would surely be driven astray by pervasive thoughts on how they compare to her ex-boyfriends, wondering if they're headed to the same destination as them.

Whether asleep or awake, their mind would be occupied wondering where Sumomo is and what she is doing, and most importantly, with whom.

However, all these feelings would be met with confusion by a free soul that lives in the moment like Sumomo.

If someone wants you now, what is the point of obsessing about the past and growing jealous of old ghosts? Sometimes, we men get too lost in our pride and jealousy to see what's ahead of us and look towards the future instead.

It only brings a wave of self-derision and disgust over caring about such things, followed by a sense of defeat as women like Sumomo fail to understand the mental hangups we so often fall prey to, which leads to a sense of self-denial. How can we men be so weak?

And at the end of many sleepless nights, we men finally obtain the courage to raise a white flag to such women and recognize the world doesn't revolve around us. Such is the courage facing a woman like Sumomo gives.

It is not an easy road to walk. However, when you're on your dying bed, you'll surely remember and be glad to have met a woman like Sumomo Momonouchi, and the lessons you learned.

[From Laplacian]