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Ookami Jijii


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Ookami Jijii狼じじい
AliasesThe Old Man Who Cried Wolf, The Old Wolf Guy
HairBalding, White
EyesGrey, Sanpaku Eyes, Shadowed
BodyMissing Teeth, Old, Pale, Short, Slim, Wrinkles
ClothesBelt, Kimono Jacket
PersonalityMysterious, Strange, Word Repetition
Engages in (Sexual)Not Sexually Involved
Visual novelsMain character - Rei-Jin-G-Lu-P
Voiced byOzawa Naoki


Occupation: None
Age: Unknown
Stay as: Dweller

This resident lives in a house near the graveyard of Yasumizu, spending most of his time scaring fellow neighbors with false prophecies that warn that the wolves are on their way.

This behavior has earned him the nickname "The Old Man Who Cried Wolf". Though perhaps one day soon, his mad ramblings may be proven true.

[Taken from the official art book included with the Day One Edition.]

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