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Annaliese Koell

Annaliese KoellSafe / Tame (14)
Annaliese Koell
MeasurementsHeight: 163cm, Weight: 50kg, Bust-Waist-Hips: 75-63-69cm
Birthday1 July
HairBlunt Bangs, Brown, Short Hime Cut, Side Tail
BodySmall Breasts
ClothesHeadphones, Hoodie
PersonalityDistrustful, Shy
RoleAustrian, Twelfth Grader
Subject ofMental Affliction
Visual novelsMain character - Missing Stars


The quiet sort, Annaliese is always listening to music on her questionably expensive headphones. What genre she listens to the most has yet to be figured out, as she tends to avoid people in general. Her preference for baggy clothing is to maximize comfort and to keep her bundled up while at school.