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Hanabusa Anna

英 杏奈

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Hanabusa AnnaSafe / Tame (15)
Hanabusa Anna英 杏奈
MeasurementsHeight: 154cm, Bust-Waist-Hips: 88-58-89cm, E cup
HairPink, Straight, Waist Length+
BodyPale, Teen
RoleDaughter, High School Student
Subject ofMind Control
Visual novelsMain character - Saimin Gyakushuu ~Douzo Watashi-tachi o Suki ni Shite Kudasai~
Voiced byHazuki Akari


Kuzuhito's classmate and Reiko's daughter.
Went through a long rebellious phase against her flawless mother.
However, she truly respects her mother and is troubled by her inability to be honest with her.