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Shin Tanaka

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Shin Tanaka
HairBlond, Short, V Bangs
BodyPale, Teen
ClothesBelt, Bracelet, T-shirt, Trousers
PersonalityLoud, Loyal
RoleFriend, Shop Clerk
Visual novelsSide character - How To Date A Magical Girl!


Shin has been your friend for a long time and knows you best. Although you won’t be going to the same school together, he refuses to let your friendship fizzle and fade. Despite being a bit obnoxious and noisy at times, like most best friends, he is a really good guy and would do anything for you.

While you are heading off to a prestige magical academy, Shin goes straight into working to save up for a place of his own. He dreams of becoming a punk rock clothes designer in the future, and hopes you will come with him to England one day so he can pursue his dreams.