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Yasuda Taisei

安田 大成

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Yasuda Taisei安田 大成
HairBlack, Short
BodyAdult, Pale, Real Actor
ClothesFlat Cap, Glasses, Jumpsuit
ItemsBackpack, Bicycle
PersonalityCoward, Dishonest, Money Lover, Opportunistic, Thrifty
RolePoor, Shopkeeper, Vendor
Engages inGaslighting, Theft
Subject ofInterrogation
Visual novelsSide character - 428 ~Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de~
Voiced byChijiwa Ryuusaku (Live-action performance)


Proprietor of a new knickknack shop in Udagawacho.

While he was wandering along the JR tracks picking up lost and abandoned items, Achi foisted off his trash onto him, and so he's in a bit of a foul mood.
Yasuda watches roughly 350 martial arts fights a year. He is particularly fond of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and is thinking about studying himself. There's a dojo he's been eyeing, but he's rather timid, and has thus far only waffled noncommittally outside the entrance to the place.

Achi knows Shibuya like his own backyard, but Yasuda is new enough that Achi doesn't recognize him.

[Edited from in-game TIPS]