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Hakodori Rize

箱鳥 理世

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Hakodori Rize箱鳥 理世
Birthday13 June
HairBlack, Spiky Bangs, Waist Length+
BodyBig Breasts, Pale, Slim, Teen
ClothesRibbon Hair Tie, Ribbon Tie, Skirt
PersonalityDishonest, Sloppy
Visual novelsMain character - Meikei no Lupercalia
Voiced byHanazawa Sakura


A girl who can't be honest with her feelings. She used to be an actress and got to know Tamaki when he was still an actor too. She's in charge of Lampyris Troupe's business-related stuff. She's good at taking care of others and strict when it comes to rules and regulation, but when it comes to herself, she becomes careless.