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Birthday7 April
HairPonytail, Red, Shoulder-length
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesHair Tie, Scarf
PersonalityCheerful, Cruel, Immature
RoleGang Member, Mafia, Sadist
Engages inKidnapping
Visual novelsMain character - Dead Wishes
Voiced bySiddhartha Minhas


Mateo is friendly, but this friendliness only masks an erratic personality. He does not understand the pain and suffering of others, and in fact believes that his rough treatment of others somehow helps them (or that they enjoy this treatment). He is childishly happy, but also can cause upset when he is angered.

He detests Sergio and the rest of the mafia, speaking about their feuds as selfish squabbles and categorizing them all as vermin. He is the most connected to all of the other characters, tying together multiple subplots into a cohesive narrative.

[From strategy guide]