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Ikeda Sen

池田 戦

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Ikeda Sen池田 戦
AliasesTaro Higgins
HairBlack, Moustache, Short, Spiky, Spiky Bangs
BodyPale, Young-adult
ClothesNecktie, Suit, Tie Pin
ItemsHandgun, Mobile Phone
PersonalityFunny, Relaxed
RoleDetective, Japanese (Expatriate), Multilingual, Pseudonym
Engages inInvestigation, Smoking, Teasing
Visual novelsProtagonist - Shironagasu Tou e no Kikan
Protagonist - Haruka Naru Enkei Sekai


The lead character and a private detective in New York. Although Ikeda has a shady background, he has a unique sense of intuition.

At the request of Ada Higgins, he travels to Shironagasu Island. Ikeda is one of the few people who Neneko trusts.

[From official website]


1Drowned on their own vomit... What a terrible way to go...
0Et tu, Neneko? Hey, you're my assistant! At least show some sympathy...