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HairTwin Tails, V Bangs, Waist Length+, Wavy, White
BodyMedium Breasts, Pale, Slim, Young-adult
ClothesJacket, Ribbon Hair Tie, Shirt
PersonalityMysterious, Stoic
Visual novelsMain character - Hakuchuumu no Aojashin
Voiced byKamishiro Misaki


An enigmatic girl who lost her ego.

She's the ego of a little girl who sprouted in the empty vessel of woman's body. From that unbalance is born a kind of twisted desire. What do you call such an unbecoming impulse?

Desire to protect? Control? Conquer?

No, none of these answers quite encapsulate it. All of them lack something essential.

Truly, this is a concept that exists beyond the realm of what our language can represent. Verily, a yet unnamed emotion springs forth.

Perhaps that's the reason this girl exists here, in this moment in time. To share that indescribable feeling with all of humankind.

[From Laplacian]