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NicoleSafe / Tame (14)
Birthday19 April
HairBrown, Long, Ponytail, Sidehair
EyesBlue, Jitome
BodyMakeup, Pale, Teen
ClothesBelt, Hoodie, Jeans, Studs, T-shirt
PersonalityAntisocial, Blunt, Cynic, Manipulative, Misanthrope, Pessimist, Rude, Sharp-tongued, Sociopath
RoleAmerican, Daughter, Half-orphan, High School Student, Model, Transfer Student, Villain, Younger Sister
Engages inBullying, Manipulation, Moving
Subject ofFilming
Visual novelsProtagonist - Class of '09
Protagonist - Class of '09: The Re-Up
Main character - Class of '09: The Flip Side
Voiced byElsie Lovelock


The villain protagonist of the game. Nicole is a cynical transfer student who begins attending a new school at the beginning of the game.


18I'd want a daughter who gets A's on Math tests instead of D's to the face.
12I'd rather play dead at a necrophilia convention
10Minor as in "underage", I think my ass is pretty major to be honest.
6The MILF window's closing, Mom!
5If you're gonna sexually harass me could you not talk like a cartoon character while you do it?
4I swear to god if you put me in spec ed I will bully all those kids into killing themselves.
4...this is a world you and everyone who crochets created.
3Fuck your therapy, tennis pedophile love-15 lookin' bitch.
3I didn't think a guy who cheats on his girlfriend and photographs his dick would have a strong relationship with Jesus I guess!
3Is there an app that'll make you fuck off and kill yourself?
2I'm jealous of a girl who just killed herself that's how fucked up I AM.
2I'm your girlfriend. I pay for your Five Guys, he wants to put his dick in a child-- how am I getting outclassed here??
2Now to just serve my time... Get back in society... Maybe make some new friends... and BUY A GUN TO MURDER MY FUCKING PRINCIPAL WITH!
1Oh, it's a picture of you killing yourself while your wife blows the UPS man.
1What girl would respond emotionally enough to a suicidal guy begging to jack off to her?
1You're my brother. Why would you care about the quality of my ass pics?