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Yachigusa Atsushi

八千草 厚志

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Yachigusa Atsushi八千草 厚志
HairAhoge, Brown, Shaggy, Short
BodyKid, Olive
ClothesShorts, T-shirt
ItemsSchool Backpack
PersonalityJealous, Pervert
RoleChildhood Friend, Classmate, Fifth Grader
Engages in (Sexual)Not Sexually Involved
Visual novelsMain character - Flatcheez
Main character - Flatcheez 2
Side character - Flatcheez 3


A friend of Kojima. His nickname is "Hachi".
He's a big fan of Sayaka.
He mostly lives on instinct, but he becomes very shy when Sayaka is near.
As their houses are very close by, Nae and him have been friends for a very long time.

[From in-game charater profile]

A member of class 503.