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Xani Green

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Xani Green
MeasurementsHeight: 162cm
HairBlack, Short, Wavy
BodyDark, Short, Slim, Young-adult
ClothesBody Ribbon, Hairpin, Jeans, Shirt, Sweater
PersonalityCynic, Tsundere
RoleGender Choice, Half-orphan, Nameable
Subject ofGrief, Nightmares
Visual novelsProtagonist - Heart Fragment
Voiced byJerron Bacat (male)
Jessica Spencer (female)


After the loss of her mother at a young age, the protagonist lost her once optimistic outlook and began having trouble seeing good in the world. Now cynical, headstrong, and critical, she finds her life turned upside down once again after discovering a long-kept secret. Thrown into a world of secrets and lies, what future awaits her at your hands?