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Tag: Free To Download

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Tag: Free To Download

Tags > Style > Free To Download

The full VN is free to download, not just the demo.

Note to tag mods: There's quite a lot of paid VNs included in my filtered search result when I searched with "only freeware" option ticked on, simply because a lot of VNs do have free demos, which not really the ones people are searching for when they want "free" VNs. I know about g384, but considering how the current filtering system unable to filter truly "free" VNs, I give it a shot in proposing this tag. I believe there's no free "physical" release so I'll stick with downloadable VNs for now.


Denied. Still release specific. If you want to make the search filtering more reliable, bug Yorhel instead of making tags that will never in a million years go through. Also, you CAN filter out demos and patches: link
