the visual novel database

Trait: Glowing

Traits > Eyes > Glowing

At least one of this character's eyes glow.

Only apply this to a character whose eyes are normally glowing. Don't apply this to characters whose eyes only glow occasionally, such as when they use magic.


93 results in 0.025s

Abiluse CassareIkusa Megami, Tenbin no La DEA. ~Ikusa Megami Memoria~
AidenHero to Villain Remastered
Alison the WitchMaggot baits
AssalamuMugen Rougoku
Aurea LunarisAfter the Inferno
BeelzebuMegami Taisen
Bringer of DisasterGrimms Notes
CainHero to Villain
CainHero to Villain Remastered
Carla the WitchMaggot baits
Carol the WitchMaggot baits
CastoraPrincess Knights
Channery KeeneFull Service Shop
Chaos AndersenGrimms Notes
Chaos DunyazadGrimms Notes
Chaos Pied PiperGrimms Notes
Chaos Pinocchio
Charles NinaHero to Villain Remastered
CindiHead Over Heels
Commander D'azaOur Lost World Beneath the Skies
DemonAkuma no Sekiban to Noroi no Inuhime
DraculaDead Tide X: My Big Fat Vampire Wedding
DreadnoughtShinsei Kourin S-TRAN[C]XE
Edna the WitchMaggot baits
Fake Mike
FannyFamily Trouble
Fayeth IlisatraAfter the Inferno
Fuuma AmaneTaimanin Asagi ~Kessen Arena~
Galactic BlackAoman De Guaishou Gongzhu Yu Ming Zhentan Shi Mo
GaryRealm Invader
Gloria the WitchMaggot baits
HanBetween the Shrouded Peaks
Hannah HarperThe Nexus
Ichinoseki ReikaBakunyuu Inma Shimai ~Tonari no Onee-san wa Succubus Datta!~
IgorPale Spectrum - Part Two of the Book of Gray Magic
Irene the WitchMaggot baits
I○ritOshikko Fantapee ~Ry○ia Trauma Shoukan Shoujo no Hounyou Jigoku~
Isabel the WitchMaggot baits
Jane Doe the WitchMaggot baits
JaneinMr. Massagy
JesseniaDead Tide 2: Cum Covered Shores, Dead Tide: Daylight Ring, Dead Tide - Director's Cut, Dead Tide IV: The Little Spermaid, Dead Tide IX: Porn and Prejudice, Dead Tide VIII: New Poon, Dead Tide VII: La Isla de las Hadas, Dead Tide VI: The Anal Forge, Dead Tide V: The One Eyed Terror, Dead Tide X: My Big Fat Vampire Wedding
Julia BlackstoneLeviafan: Poslednij den' Dekady
Kashirada KanaBakunyuu Inma Shimai ~Tonari no Onee-san wa Succubus Datta!~
KoumigamiKoumigami ~Nageki Warau Hebigami, Imouto Naru Monomono ga Tsumugishi Folklore~
LAS-51This, My Soul
Leod BlackShadowverse