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Tsukiyo Novel

Amateur group
Primary language: French
a.k.a. TN, Tsukiyo-Novel
Official website - VNStat

Parent producer: Visual Test

Created in 2010, this French translation group is the one who has translated the most visual novels into French to this day (11/05/2013). Its goal is to make VNs easier to access.


2010-09-28AllRipples (unofficial)Pub
2011-02-0913+@Camelia GirlsPub
Watashi wa Onigiri
2011-04-01AllWatashi wa OnigiriPub
Tokoyo no Hoshizora
2011-07-12AllTokoyo no HoshizoraPub
Untold Myth 1st Tale -Earthbreaking Flight-
2011-11-0116+Untold Myth 1st Tale -Earthbreaking Flight-Pub
[text] - A Summer Story
2011-12-2513+[text] - A Summer StoryPub
The Dandelion Girl
2012-07-13AllDandy GirlPub
The Knife of the Traitor
2012-09-2216+The Knife of the TraitorPub