the visual novel database

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Primary language: Russian
a.k.a. Мещеряков Антон, Mescherjakov Anton
Official website - VNStat

Russian EN-RU translator


The Visit
2021-04-0818+Vizit (unofficial)Pub
A Girl on a Train
2022-06-0518+A Girl on Train (unofficial)Pub
2022-06-1318+Kidnap (unofficial)Pub
Let It Go
2022-08-1118+Let It Go (unofficial)Pub
2022-08-1418+Sexploitation (unofficial)Pub
A New Home
2023-01-2118+Novyj dom Volume 1 (v0.95b) + Volume 2 (v0.5) (unofficial)Pub
Clara Bittersweet Day
2023-02-0418+Clara Bittersweet Day (unofficial)Pub
The Theater Of Sinners
2023-09-2518+Teatr Greshnikov v0.3 Alpha1 (unofficial)Pub
Lewd Island
2024-05-3018+Ostrov razvrata (unofficial)Pub
Forbidden Passion
2024-07-1918+Zapretnaja Strast' v0.12.0 (unofficial)Pub
Midnight Paradise
2024-10-2718+Polunochnyj Raj v0.26 Elite (unofficial)Pub
Mother Lovers Society
2024-11-1018+Mother Lovers Society Ch.5.2 (unofficial)Pub
Seeds of Chaos
2024-12-2118+Semja Haosa v0.4.08 (unofficial)Pub
Dog Days of Summer
2024-12-2118+Dog Days of Summer Rework v0.4.1 (unofficial)Pub