the visual novel database

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a.k.a. Wright1000
Official website - VNStat


Finding a Murderer
2011-04-1513+Finding a MurdererPub & Dev
Memory Loss
2011-04-20AllMemory LossPub & Dev
2011-04-25AllMemory LossPub & Dev
Crime Investigation
2011-04-24AllCrime InvestigationPub & Dev
Stay away from the graveyard
2011-04-26AllStay away from the graveyardPub & Dev
Last Day at School
2011-05-18AllLast Day at SchoolPub & Dev
2011-06-2313+EmailPub & Dev
2011-06-27AllLonesomePub & Dev
2011-08-29AllLonesome- Version twoPub & Dev
2011-09-01AllLonesome- Version twoPub & Dev
Hired Gun
2011-08-06AllHired GunPub & Dev
Hired Gun 2: Vengeance
2011-09-24AllHired Gun 2: VengeancePub & Dev
Man At Arms
2011-09-3013+Man At ArmsPub & Dev
The Phantom Caller
2011-12-02AllThe Phantom CallerPub & Dev
Hired Gun 3 - Reunion
2011-12-0213+Hired Gun 3 - ReunionPub & Dev
Street Girl
2012-02-2116+Street GirlPub & Dev
Free Love
2012-02-2313+Free LovePub & Dev