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Please Wait

Amateur group
Primary language: Czech
Official website - VNStat

Please wait is a duo of passionate writers and game design wannabes.The phrase "please wait" perfectly describes them. They are taking their time and even smallest piece of work might take ages. But they are very driven and focused. The only requirement of theirs is thorough satisfaction with their work. Their art of writing is improved by working primarily on indie visual novels (Assistant of detective Zbyšek, Princes of Fantasy). And they mostly learn about game design through jams or other small projects (Losing it, SSSCFATT).
Ondřej Sýkora as Syky (the robust one) is a brake in work process, strict director with sense for detail and pessimist. He keeps projects down to earth and supervises the composition and rules. While Emil Gašparec as Moti (the skinny one) is a dreamer, innovator and thinking constantly out of the box. He ensures that the design is not stereotypical and inserts originality and freshness into the work.


Asistent detektiva Zbyška
2012-01-19AllAsistent detektiva ZbyškaPub & Dev
Boží Skript
2013-04-02Boží SkriptPub & Dev
Princes of Fantasy
2015-03-07AllPrinces of FantasyPub & Dev
Naser si!!!
2015-08-2916+Naser si!!!Pub & Dev
Asistent detektiva Zbyška 2 - Vražda v Orion expresu
2015-10-31Asistent detektiva Zbyška 2 - Vražda v Orion expresuPub & Dev
True Ending
2016-04-05True EndingPub & Dev
Song About Winter and Spring
2016-08-22AllSong About Winter and SpringPub & Dev
2017-04-07Song About Winter and SpringPub
2022-02-16All5x12Pub & Dev
2022-04-025x12 v0.8Pub & Dev