the visual novel database

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Primary language: English
a.k.a. AmericaLovesIcecream
Official website - VNStat

Creates Visual Novels, Games, Comics, and Fan-Fiction.

DeviantArt: link


RomanoXReader - Ti Amo
2012-06-2213+RomanoXReader - Ti AmoPub & Dev
Dark!Italy - Don't Mess With Me
2012-07-0118+Dark!Italy - Don't Mess With MePub & Dev
Spamano - Secret Cravings
2012-07-1218+Spamano - Secret CravingsPub & Dev
SwitzerlandXShy!Blind!Reader - A New Hope
2013-06-29AllSwitzerlandXShy!Blind!Reader - A New HopePub & Dev
A Chance For Neko
2013-06-2918+A Chance For NekoPub & Dev