Tsumugareru Koto mo Naku, Kyakkou mo Abizu, Tada Horobi Yuku Monogatari ni
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紡がれることもなく、脚光も浴びず、ただ滅びゆく物語に Tsumugareru Koto mo Naku, Kyakkou mo Abizu, Tada Horobi Yuku Monogatari ni |
Tales afforded not their moment in the limelight, left to waste away in obscurity | |
既不会被述说,亦不会被瞩目,此为逐渐毁灭的故事 Ji Buhui Bei Shushuo, Yi Buhui Bei Zhumu, Ci wei Zhujian Huimie de Gushi |
MangaGamer & Mighty Rabbit Studios & Limited Run Games
MangaGamer & Qingyu Gongzuoshi
Qingyu Gongzuoshi
- Original game
» US$ 14.95 @ MangaGamer (bundle)
» US$ 85.99 @ PlayAsia (bundle)
A collection of short stories featuring the characters from The House in Fata Morgana.
While these short stories were originally only three in Another Episode/A Requiem for Innocence; their number has been increased to eighteen in the Collected Edition/Dreams of the Revenants Edition.