Huanghun Xia de Yuetai Shang, Shaonü Zheng Ceshou Weixiao
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黄昏下的月台上,少女正侧首微笑 Huanghun Xia de Yuetai Shang, Shaonü Zheng Ceshou Weixiao |
Your Smile Beyond Twilight | |
黃昏下的月台上,少女正側首微笑 Huanghun Xia de Yuetai Shang, Shaonü Zheng Ceshou Weixiao |
After being forced to resign from his corporate position in a cutthroat modern Chinese company, Yunshan brings his girlfriend Jingxuan with him to Tangyin, the small town where he grew up. Although this trip was originally just for paying respects to his parents and getting away from the bustle of city life, he is soon confronted by a fragment of his long-forgotten past.
[Written by EN translator]