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the Legend of the Deep - Episode IV

the Legend of the Deep - Episode IV
AliasesThe Legend of the Deep - Episode 4 -, LOD Episode IV, lod4
Play timeUnknown
DeveloperOyama Dennou Giken
PublishersOyama Dennou Giken

Shuukan Kagura


the Legend of the Deep -Episode6-

Shopssponsored links» JP¥ 1870 @ DLsite
» JP¥ 550 @ DLsite (trial)


A group of abnormal reproducing monsters poses such a great threat to the continent that kingdoms stop rivalries to oppose them. The mightiest state suddenly gets defeated by the beasts, so princess Sofia is going to be crowned queen-in-immigration. But Sofia and her followers get lost on the way in an ancient archaeological site.
A group of knights is sent there to discover the princess' fate.

[From vndbreview]
