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Light of My Life

Light of My LifeSafe / Tame (14)
Light of My Life
StatusIn development
Play timeUnknown (1 uncounted vote)
DeveloperNaughty Road Productions
PublishersNaughty Road Productions


Nearly five years ago, the death of your wife left you in charge of your two daughters. You tried to be the best caregiver you could, but all three of you were scarred and hurt by the sudden loss of the light in your lives. Now your daughters have become grown-up adults, and the grief you share has pushed you apart. Will you be able to overcome the barriers of your own making and help your daughters rekindle the light in their hearts?

[Edited from Patreon]


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Short by Ravolty on 2023-08-129/10
<report>Fantastic writing and compelling story, to the point some monologues are short and interesting. Also the VN is design to help the player not miss on important content, by using a point system like love, anger or anxiety for some characters.

The 3D models look unique and perfect for the setting. Love the lewd and non-lewd scenes.
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