DescriptionThis is the story of 3rd high school student named "Takeomi Takagi" The only member who remains in Art club because his undoing in the past. His goal is to win over art competition before his graduation from high school.
He meets “Itsuki Eimi” The cheerful junior high school girl in Basketball club because she ruins his painting that he will send to the competition by accidentally run upon it.
This is the coming-of-age story and love story between two people who have opposite personality. They both have their dream and meet their obstacle together.
“Takagi” The strict and sharp tongue yet kind senior who tries to help Eimi achieve her dream for redeem himself from action in his past.
“Eimi” The cheerful junior who always hide her sadness tries to become real athlete in Basketball club.
Will they achieve their dream or give up? What future await of them is for you to decide. |