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Wahn und Traum

Wahn und TraumSafe / Tame (14)
Wahn und Traum
Play timeShort (2 - 10 hours)


You are a country bumpkin from Springvale. She is a questionable royal who stirs feelings you hate. What if there was something to bridge the difference between peasant and princess? Perhaps it only sits in dreams and aggression.

In other words, this is a visual novel about Genshin Impact's Fischl that explores themes of inferiority through psychoanalysis and Goethe's Faust.


English (1)
2023-06-26AllWahn und Traum
Russian (1)
2023-07-17AllZabluzhdenie i mechta (unofficial machine translation)


              Full character list

              Character summary

              Lisa MinciMain character
              FischlMain character

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              Wahn und Traum

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