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VenusBlood DarkChronicle Episode 5 - Sono Hana wa Shikkoku ni Ochi Yuku

VenusBlood DarkChronicle Episode 5 その花は漆黒に堕ちゆく

VenusBlood DarkChronicle Episode 5 - Sono Hana wa Shikkoku ni Ochi YukuSafe / Tame (11)
2 covers
VenusBlood DarkChronicle Episode 5 その花は漆黒に堕ちゆく
VenusBlood DarkChronicle Episode 5 - Sono Hana wa Shikkoku ni Ochi Yuku
Play timeVery short (1h23m from 1 votes)
Original game

VenusBlood -BRAVE-

Shopssponsored links» JP¥ 990 @ DLsite


On the continent of Girant, the goddess Yulan is the last hope for mankind, who is simply waiting to perish. However, she is now a prisoner in the castle of the Demon King. She is nothing more than a pathetic bitch who has fallen into evil and has no choice but to serve as a boredom relief for Hein.

Today, she is forced to serve him in front of the throne on which he sits. She has a gruesome, never-ending day of training ahead of her......

[Translated From DLsite]


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