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DoraTama! ~You Ryuu Leila no Seichou Nikki~

ドラたま! ~幼竜ライラの成長日記~

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DoraTama! ~You Ryuu Leila no Seichou Nikki~Explicit / Tame (16)
ドラたま! ~幼竜ライラの成長日記~
DoraTama! ~You Ryuu Leila no Seichou Nikki~
AliasesDragon no Tomago, DoraTama! ~You Ryuu Raira no Seichou Nikki~, DoraTama! ~You Ryuu Laylah no Seichou Nikki~, Doratama! The Upbringing of Lila, Baby Dragon, DraTama
Play timeShort (2 - 10 hours)
DeveloperShining Star
PublishersShining Star
Shopssponsored links» JP¥ 2090 @ DLsite


Two women climbed into a dragon's nest, heroine Tina and magical girl Clis.
However, after they successfully beat the dragon, they discovered its baby egg.

As they bickered about what to do, it hatched before them, a darling baby...

"Daddeeeeee!" it cried to Tina. Daddy?!

[From dlsite]


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Medium by barfboy on 2024-03-14r105495/10
<report>This game is better than it deserves to be. It should be a plotless nukige to be ignored with art by Emily and nothing more. However, it’s actually kinda fun. Especially since it’s an example of Lesbian Rape . So let’s get to it.

Chris And Tina are two heroines, a swordsman and mage who kill a dragon. Once the dragon is dead they discover an unhatched egg. Once the egg hatches out pops the adorable little Leila and immediately TIna rapes her. For all you sick fucks out there, this is her only sex scene. Chris gets mad and demands that they take care of the poor little girl. Leila immediately attaches herself to the two, imprinting like a chick, and calls them father and mother. Tina is... Read more »
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