Aozora Gakko no Sensei-kun.
Title |
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Aliases | Aozora Gakko no Senseikun. | ||
Play time | Medium (10 - 30 hours) | ||
Developer | Studio Miris | ||
Publishers | Studio Miris Honyaku-Subs & WinKiller Studio | ||
Links | VNStat | ||
DescriptionWhere Masato arrives is a secret village. The village is surrounded by mountains, woods, rivers and fields..., good old scenery. He was a teacher. He lost confidence between ideal and reality, and got away from it all. On his way to his hometown, his car fell down the valley. When he wakes up, he isn't in heaven nor hell. He is at the secret village, a little bit apart from this world. What will he see, feel and find there...? |