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Yoi Ko no Nayami Soudanshitsu ~Mousou Sekai no Haitokuteki Shidou~


Yoi Ko no Nayami Soudanshitsu ~Mousou Sekai no Haitokuteki Shidou~
Play timeUnknown


The game's protagonist manages a counselling website called “Good Girl's Worries Counseling Room”. Officially, it is a well-renown website where volunteers give counsel to its female users, easing their worries. However, if you seize their trust by giving them appropriate advice, you will be able to meet them directly for a sexy time!

In the meanwhile, the protagonist, upon reading the contents of their e-mails, flies off to a fantasy world, where his imagination takes hold of the events they describe.

From j-addicts.

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