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Review of Hanahira!

ByHelpfulness: 0
Vote: 3
LostPomegranate on 2024-09-03
ReviewThis is a straightforward slice of life all-ages yuri game. I will come right out and say the most yuri it gets is some hinting and a kiss. The scenes are also just extremely bland. I think they're intended to be cute and sweet, but they fall short of that most of the time. The art is also not for me I think. I enjoy the SD art in the Sonohana series when it isn't the main art and is just interspersed some, but when it's the only art, it is a bit jarring. Music is the same reused music from other Sonohana games.

Ultimately I'd only recommend this if you're a Sonohana fan and want to "complete the collection" which is where I'm at.
0 points