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Review of Kara no Shoujo - The Second Episode

SubjectKara no Shoujo - The Second Episode
ByHelpfulness: 0
Vote: 7
Wylde on 2024-09-05
ReviewAs a standalone story, it is really well done, the flashbacks and the story with everyone from the past and how it connects to the present are good and the writing is very high quality. But this story does not have that good of a murder mystery or psychological thriller vibe to it until the very end. But the story is very good and well written. My main gripe is that it is a poor sequel, not a poor story in general but a poor sequel to the first, as there is barely any mention of the events of the first story until the very end of the story, with some of the new characters that were introduced being boring and not really amounting to much as some plot lines were abandoned or wrapped up too quickly. . Regardless it is a good read if you don't mind slogging through a different story, but if you want a break or something different from the events of the first, this will be a welcome story for you. The endings of the story are good, people might overrate the entire story based on the endings, which admittedly were very very well done.
0 points