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Review of KukkoroDays

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Vote: 7
Ethman100 on 2024-11-04
ReviewSo I read this in one sitting and it was not a bad read by any means. There's actually a bit of plot to things and the heroine is really good. Now onto the specifics.

Music/Sound Effects: Not much to see here. Music is decent, you get a decent amount of sound effects to liven up things. Nothing really to note, 7/10.

H Content: Not bad either. Nothing special since there's only 4 scenes but I liked it. 7/10.

Art: Have to admit, the art was good. Sucks there's only 1 character that has a sprite and a voice but, it does enough. The CGs and backgrounds were actually well drawn and the final battle CG was just, wow. Solidly done (Too bad there's only 1 sprite), 8/10.

Technicals: This section fucking bombed. You do get some customization but, a key thing of not being able to keep voices going until the next voice bugged me. Translation is decent for a qureate work but, still meh. 4/10.

Character(s): It's a shortge so I don't expect much outside the heroine but, could've been done better. The MC is your usual boring guy (With a hint of donkan for some reason) when a pretty lady teleports into his room, shocking for a qureate VN. The lovely Cattleya (Moo) is a great heroine, definitely my 2nd favorite of the qureate universe. Yeah, outside Cattleya there's not much to talk about. MC 6/10 Cattleya 8/10 side characters (Or lack thereof) 4/10.

Story: It's your usual fantasy stuff from these guys. Lady teleports from another world, she ends up living with you until she can go back, 3 endings to choose from. Nothing out of this world with visual novels but I liked it. The plot of lady has to fight evil dragon actually came to fruition near the end and that was a fun scene to watch. 7/10.

Final Thoughts: Overall, not bad. If you need a quick read, grab it, 7/10 is my final rating.
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