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Review of Root Film

SubjectRoot Film
Root Film - US Download Edition
ByHelpfulness: 0
Vote: 5
ayuanx on 2022-11-13 last updated on 2023-03-24
ReviewHonestly, I am disappointed. I do like Root Letter, but I can not say much good for Root Film.

First, this game is so cheaply made. There is almost no CG in this game, only static character sprites and backgrounds. The character sprites do not have different versions of emotions at all--it is one sprite for all scenarios, not to mention the lack of eye blinking or lip sync. Also, most background graphics are just batch converted from photos, which is fine, but even already with such cheap method, they still decide to reuse the same background photos at different locations! For example, they use exactly the same background photo for the lounge rooms of at least two different locations. How difficult can it be to find one more lounge in real life to take a photo of? Even if you are too lazy to find another lounge in real life, can't you just take a new photo of the same lounge at a different angle to pretend it were a different lounge? No, they don't give a damn care.

The most disappointing part to me is the story. What is the purpose of the two main heroines? Hitoha--she has no link to any other characters and serves no purpose throughout the entire game. She is not even qualified just as an eye candy. Riho--the only thing about her is her (mostly) hidden family link to the protagonist Yagumo. She has no soul and no heart (at least the script fails to write any) who acts only as a tool and immediately thrown away by the script writer carelessly when done. Then we have Kanade--the WTF "su~" man. What is the point of this character? The script writer pretends that he is a big mystery--"the black hand behind the curtain" over half of the story and then presto! Nothing! Surprised? Surprised my arse!

Root Letter tells a consistent and coherent story, but Root Film does not. Root Film is just a few murder ideas that are clumsily glued together trying best to make them fit as if a coherent story. They put all their brains into devising those murder ideas that the main story collapses all over the place. Of course even those murder ideas that they must be very proud of are not logically rigorous. For example, why would a writer have a vacuum room as big as a Roman forum? Do you know how long it takes to vacuum such a huge room? Or, does the script writer even try to spend time to understand the real purpose of the dichloromethane and how it works in the drinking bird toy? Pouring dichloromethane on an exposed pillar in order to bring it down is just laughable. Perhaps I am just asking too much of a writer majored in liberal arts to come up with rigorous tricks that require decent knowledge of science and technology.

Lastly, the graphics--specifically the character design. Can't you be more serious designing the faces of the females? Most females have exactly the identical face if not for their hair. Yes, I understand this is a common issue in many VNs but why in this game only the male characters have different faces?

Overall, I am not thrilled with this game.
0 points