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Review of Avalon

ByHelpfulness: 1
Vote: 7
publicnuisance on 2022-11-15
ReviewI would say Avalon is a solid visual novel overall. One thing it had an issue with was I’m not sure it knew what it wanted to be. On one hand it took a very grounded look at how people react to trauma and dealt with it in a more realistic manner than other games in the genre have. On the other hand some of the plot points went into a very fantastical over the top area which seemed so different from the tone it had set that it just didn’t mesh very well. Either aspect could have been a great visual novel on their own but together just seemed too different. For instance to have someone track down and deal with the person who did terrible things to Avalon is normal but to have that person fight off mercenaries while doing it and dealing with crime bosses and even the spear of destiny makes an appearance, it just delved off into a whole other tone than it started. The characters and dialogue are great. The humour is fantastic. For instance I really enjoyed Penny; Merc; Lance and Faith in a vacuum, I just don’t know how well they work with the more serious parts to the story. The models were good as were the animations; and clothing detail. There was one single scene with Avalon and Octavia in the pool where Octavia’s face just seemed different and off. I can’t explain it, maybe it’s because it’s the first scene you see her without glasses , I’m not sure. The lewd scenes were well done although some people will complain that there weren’t more. I can deal with the amount, if anything my one wish would be to have more choices and story branches as I felt that was lacking compared to other visual novels. This is no kinetic novel, don’t get me wrong, but there is a lot less reader freedom and choices than I was used to. Also if I can nitpick for a second, Octavia is supposed to have a background in the United States Air Force but it’s mentioned she attended West Point. As far as I know The West Point academy is for the Army not the Air Force.

I played Avalon on Linux. It never crashed and I didn’t notice any spelling errors or bugs. You can manually save whenever you want and there are fifty four save slots. Alt-Tab didn’t work.

Game Engine: Ren’Py
Graphics API: OpenGL
Game Version Played: 8.5
Disk Space Used: 3.2 GB

GPU Usage: 0-11 %
VRAM Usage: 227-275 MB
CPU Usage: 2-13 %
RAM Usage: 2.2-2.9 GB

I would recommend Avalon as I think it handled things in a unique manner to other games. It was a bit all over the place but it wasn’t bad by any means. I finished the game in six hours and seven minutes and that includes the bonus alternate ending that comes after the original endings. I paid $11.37 CAD for it and feel that is a more than fair price.

My Score: 7/10

My System:

Intel i7-6700 | 16GB DDR4-3000 CL15 | XFX RX 590 8GB Fat Boy | Mesa 22.2.3 | Garuda | Mate 1.26.0 | Kernel 6.0.8-zen1-zen
1 point