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Review of Maitetsu

ByHelpfulness: 7
Vote: 10
barfboy on 2020-10-09
ReviewI adore this game and I only ever played the all ages Steam release. The story is relaxing, which is typical of the brand. It's not supposed to be exciting, it's supposed to be thoughtful. The characters are very well written. Everyone has their own story to tell and how they tell it is as important as why. The motivations are simple. Everyone wants to save the small town they are a part of. How they save that town differs between characters because of their own perception and background. Soutetsu wants to save the Shouchuu plant of the man who raised him and her daughter who runs it now and is worried the car factory will change the flavor of the alcohol. Hibiki works for the bank, which wants to invest in the town by bringing in a car factory but because she's in love with Soutetsu, and Soutetsu knows this, she's willing to work for the opposition. Paulette is inexperienced but the daughter of the previous mayor and wants to do her job well but doesn't know how best to proceed. She happens to own a Rail Lord, Reina. Reina wants to support her mistress but is tiny and only knows how to run a train. She is innocent and sweet and wants Paulette to be happy. Fukami wants to support the family business and is worried about how nobody takes the raft trip anymore. Nagi is explosive energy directed at supporting Fukami and the people in the town in whatever small way she can. Despite being the 'villain' Kisaki just wants to help everyone live in a better town and is the daughter of the bank president. To her with he loss of coal mining the best plan is to bring in another large industry.

This is what great stories are made of. Everyone has believable wants and needs, everyone's background makes sense with what their goals are. There is very little luck or chance to push the story forward, just the different ideas on how to save the town based on the personalities of the people involved. The best though, the absolute best is Hachiroku. I cried a few times, I admit. She wants to fix her train and run again. She learns the holes in her memory contain a terrible accident where people were killed. Her train is everything to her, she can survive without it but she was created to run the train and as guilty as it makes her feel and as selfish as it makes her feel she just wants to run again. To be a train again. Soutetsu's journey with her in the plan to fix the train, despite its cost and the difficulty of the task is both beautiful and hopeful. There are moments of pure joy and sorrow.

10 out of 10.
7 points